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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Favorites of 2015

As 2015 is coming to a close and I start to look forward to all of the things that are to come in 2016 I just had to reflect on some of my favorite moments and lessons from this last year.

This year was full of so many new things for me as I went from a mom of two foster kiddos to the mom of four. Things are so much more hectic when you are chasing around a herd of kids but they somehow have the ability to remind you to slow down and look at what is important! 

Yes, I stressed over everything, especially money, in 2015. One thing I'm bringing out of this year though (after a talk with one of my favorite co-workers this week :) ) is that I am investing in the lives of my babies and that is one thing I wouldn't change for anything!

One thing I didn't do as much of in 2015 as in years past is traveling. Not because I didn't want to, but because traveling as a group of 5 is A LOT more expensive than traveling solo. But it is a lot more fun too! This year we did spend some time in Bay St. Louis, MS, which is now my favorite sleepy little beach town. Nothing better than beautiful white sand, quaint little downtown shops and the most delicious frozen yogurt joints! I also took the big girls on a cruise to Mexico the day after Thanksgiving and that was an absolute blast! A couple random trips to Branson and day trips around the State and that sums up our travel for the year!

In 2015 we celebrated a first birthday, two 11th birthdays, a 14th birthday and my 25th birthday.

Me and Little Sister discovered our love of Escape Rooms. Big Sister has become obsessed with Starbucks and all things One Direction (I won't lie, I'm kinda right there with her with 1D!). Miss Priss is still mastering her photography skills, mostly of the dogs, but she likes going with me to my sessions to learn different ways to pose people. And then we have Bubby, who in the last year has changed the most. He is now way past the crawling stage and is in a constant sprint. He talks ALL of the time and his favorite things to do are ride on the dogs like they are horses, wrestle with Papa, play with Gampa's ears, eat lots of pudding and wake me up by trying to touch my brain via my nose cavity while yelling Mama!! 

My church kiddos are just as entertaining as ever. We had a great year with us starting a Wednesday night class. We have a couple new "regulars" now too! We had a super fun lock in, a church wide picnic and four wheeler ride that was more fun than should be legal, and we ended the year with a super fun Christmas program.

Basically, this year I have realized just how blessed I really am. I have the most amazing family and I'm so thankful to still have my great grandma, both grandma's and my Papa still around for my kids to get to "experience" (because lets be honest, hanging out with these hoots for long is definitely an experience!). My parents and brother, who are always willing to help me herd the hoodlums, are angels! My friends, both the ones I see all the time and the ones that I just exchange the occasional text with, are beyond anything I deserve. I have a job I enjoy that allows me to do the things a want to do and a church family that continues to lift me up when I need it the most.

2015 was a fabulous year, but I just know 2016 will be my best one yet!

I pray you and your family have a blessed New Year!

Enjoy some of my favorite photos from 2015!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Cook Family/Maternity Photos

Life has been out of control crazy these last couple of months and I haven't been able to do any photography at all. Not a big deal really, it's just for fun, but it is kind of my outlet. 

These last couple of weeks I have been so blessed to have parents that will watch my herd of hoodlums so I could do a couple of senior sessions and this family/maternity session for the Cooks! 

I had so much for with this family. They are beyond precious and are so excited to be welcoming a new baby boy literally any day! Miss Sadie is going to be such a good big sister to Jaxon and he has parents and grandparents that cannot wait to spoil him rotten!

Thank you guys for spending the afternoon with me. I had a great time and cannot wait to meet Mr. Jaxon!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

SR Session: Gabby {and Justin}

Several months ago, at one of our many court appointments with my sweet baby boy, I met this sweet lady, Jennifer, who was also trying to adopt one of her foster kids. I think at the time she had 5 bio/adopted kiddos, Gabby being the oldest bio. When we met up for these pictures last weekend I found out they now have 7 bio/adopted children! They are such awesome people! 

Gabby is a senior at Scranton High School and she is so very mature, probably because of the experiences she's been through with her siblings. Either way, she is wise beyond her years, absolutely beautiful and so very funny. Especially when Justin, her goofy (I mean that in the best way possible ;)) boyfriend is around. These two together have things all planned out and know exactly what they want! I love that about them! 

Thank you, guys, for hanging out with me for a bit. It was a pleasure to photograph you two!

*So after my last post I totally decided to go with something entirely different for my logo! What do you guys think? Much less intrusive in my opinion. Simple and sweet!