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Monday, November 9, 2015

SR Session: Gabby {and Justin}

Several months ago, at one of our many court appointments with my sweet baby boy, I met this sweet lady, Jennifer, who was also trying to adopt one of her foster kids. I think at the time she had 5 bio/adopted kiddos, Gabby being the oldest bio. When we met up for these pictures last weekend I found out they now have 7 bio/adopted children! They are such awesome people! 

Gabby is a senior at Scranton High School and she is so very mature, probably because of the experiences she's been through with her siblings. Either way, she is wise beyond her years, absolutely beautiful and so very funny. Especially when Justin, her goofy (I mean that in the best way possible ;)) boyfriend is around. These two together have things all planned out and know exactly what they want! I love that about them! 

Thank you, guys, for hanging out with me for a bit. It was a pleasure to photograph you two!

*So after my last post I totally decided to go with something entirely different for my logo! What do you guys think? Much less intrusive in my opinion. Simple and sweet!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

to logo or not to logo...

After years and years of "doing photography" I have finally been convinced that it may be a good thing for me to create a logo for my pictures.

I have put this off for a couple of reasons, 1. I just do photography for fun, I never did it thinking it would ever be a full time thing or even a regular thing. Just when I have free time. 2. I didn't have Photoshop or a clue how to create a watermark logo for photos. 3. I'm lazy and didn't want to take the time to do anything extra after editing.

Recently, however, I have been told by more and more "professionals" and "hobby" photographers that I really should take the time to create and use a logo simply to protect my work. Although I'm not doing it professionally, I am proud of (most) of my work and I don't want anyone to be dishonest and share it as there own.

So, I've downloaded Photoshop and watched a couple of YouTube tutorials and have come up with a couple of logos. I really like both, one more casual maybe for senior sessions and another more cutsie (is that a word?) for engagements/babies/family sessions. Or maybe I should pick one and stick to it.

What do you think? Two looks too many? (I did use the same font to tie them together) Tell me what you think!

*It will actually be displayed slightly smaller, just wanted to make it big enough you guys can really see it! :)

Let me know what you guys think...and who knows, I may have 4 more options to throw out there by the end of the week! I'm so inconcisive (sp!?)!