This weekend The Call of Pope County hosted a foster parent retreat at Camp Paron (Such a cool camp, look in to it for your youth camps!!) to allow us a chance to get a couple of our training hours in and have a chance to relax, child-free, for a couple of days.
I had no idea how much I needed the time away and what a blessing it would be to get to spend time with like-minded people that share the same struggles, success and heart for the babies (big and little) in foster care.
For me this was my first full weekend completely child free since all four of my kiddos have been with me (February), and let me just say, I experienced every kind of emotion while away.
Ecstatic that I had a weekend free of homework, cooking dinner, changing diapers, pushing kids out the door so they don't miss the bus, etc.
Overjoyed that I got to spend time with humans of the adult variety!
Humbled to know that I have parents that are so supportive and were more than willing to take on four kids for the weekend.
Surprised at how quickly I missed my big and little babies!
Thankful for all of the valuable stories and experiences shared that will help me survive and thrive in the daily flow of things in the life of a foster family.
And above all else, I felt so beyond loved coming home to three big babies racing to my car the second I pulled in. Attacked by hugs before I could even get my seat belt off, and spending the afternoon cuddling and singing with the cutest little guy that was so happy to have his mommy home.
As fun as the weekend was, coming home was definitely the best part of my little mini-vacation. Crazy how much things have changed since March 19, 2014 when my first little was placed with me.