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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Well Hello There, Beautiful!

So I am trying to get back in to this writing/blogging thing. In the one year (and a couple of months) since I graduated from college I have pretty much completely stopped doing the one thing I loved so much while in school; writing.

I'm not sure where I will go with this blog. Maybe I'll talk about my family and friends, maybe my travels, or maybe even my attempts at various Pinterest projects. Maybe I will just talk about life in general and all of the things that make my life just that; simply mine.

In my 22 years (and 8 months) I have not lived an extraordinary life, it has been quite common actually. I was born to a small town couple living a small town life. We were joined two years later by a cute blonde haired, blue eyed baby boy, I often refer to as Bubba. Out little family has had more than our fair share of drama, chaos, health issues, etc. but through it all we have stuck together . We are still working on "us" as a family but we love each other none the less. (Notice I said love, we definitely do not always like each other!)

I say all of this to give any of you that don't know me a little history. As time goes on I will elaborate on certain parts of my life I am sure, but for now I want to focus on who I am in this moment. 

To write about myself in the "now" is actually really hard. Mostly because when I thought things were starting to become stable I realize that couldn't be further from the truth.

I mean, if we want to get technical, right now I am employed by a great organization that saves over 400 lives every day! How many people can say that?! I have been very blessed with this job! Right now I am living in a super cute house I purchased on my own almost 8 months ago. I have the cute little flower bed out front with the bird and squirrel feeders and two of the cutest (and oldest...they were rescued from a kill shelter at a fairly old age) chocolate labs in the huge fenced in back yard. 

Sounds picture perfect, right? I thought so too until I realized that I could be missing Gods calling on my life. This calling is something that has been on my heart for years, since before I was even old enough to really understand it. It has taken me all of these years, though, to decide to stop fighting against myself.

I know now for sure what my calling is. In what capacity it will be fulfilled and when, I have absolutely no clue. I do know though that God equips the called, and while I can do nothing on my own, with Him all things are possible!

Whoo! So apparently I may even preach on this blog! Who knew!

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