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Friday, March 28, 2014

Just Call Me Nancy

Ok, so I'm definitely not all about ruining someones day but I feel like if you read the rest of this post that is exactly what will happen, so *READ AT YOUR OWN RISK*.

I am not naturally a sad, depressed, angry, bitter, desperate for change type of person. However, that is exactly what I have become in the last year and a half at my current job. Things were really rough from the beginning because of previous actions. I was completely naive, though, and thought that I would be the positive change this area needed. Boy was I wrong! I honestly feel like it does not matter how positive, encouraging and uplifting I was and still try to be for the people I work with, they are just naturally angry, cranky, down-trodden people!

I know that sounds horrible, but I am honestly at a loss right now. I have never let other peoples actions and attitudes affect me, maybe because I typically stay away from people who are negative, but with me being forced to deal with this kind of crazy EVERY FREAKING DAY I find myself acting more and more like them!

My poor family and friends have to deal with the overly emotional freak that I have become. Like, I cry just as much as one of my pregnant best friends. Like, we are having scheduled pity parties because we hate our lives. This CANNOT be NORMAL!

So basically I am ranting here for a couple of reasons... 1. my friends and family are tired of my sob story 2. I'm feeling super frustrated right now and just need to let it out and 3. I need prayers!

Now, please enjoy the following display of "ugly cries" that represent my life as of now...

You know you want to Google search "Ugly Cry" now!!

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to this as you know. I honestly believe when it gets to the point you HATE getting up in the mornings it's time for a change. That's so where I was a few months ago and even though my job now isn't PERFECT, it made the biggest difference in my life! Love you and praying for you!
