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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Bubby is Turning One!

My sweet baby boy will be one in less than two weeks. I cannot believe it has already been almost a year since my life literally turned upside down with the arrival of this sweet baby boy.
March 19, the day he turned two weeks old, I picked Bubby up from DHS office. He came with no instructions and I was a 23 year old, single girl who had never had a child of my own. Why they let me leave with him I will never know, but I will forever be grateful for that phone call asking me to take this sweet baby boy.

My Bubby...Monkey Love...Sweet Cheeks,
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Biological or not, your are my baby and I will forever be thankful for your mother and father bringing you in to this world. When I'm sad you make me happy, when I'm stressed you never fail to give me a good laugh. When I sometimes feel that I am destined to live a life of loneliness you flash that beautiful, almost toothless grin at me and I realize that I am so loved. That love, well, it is all I will ever need.
Bubby, thank you for being the light of my life. You are my #1. I promise to keep making you laugh with ridiculous singing and dancing. I will take you to the beach and show you all of the reasons why it is, and will always be my favorite place. I will make sure that you spend time with Gramma and Grampa and all of your grandparents. They have the best stories that you will love hearing. You will always, always be my baby and I promise you will never, ever doubt my love for you.
Happy Birthday, Baby! Loves.

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