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Sunday, November 8, 2015

to logo or not to logo...

After years and years of "doing photography" I have finally been convinced that it may be a good thing for me to create a logo for my pictures.

I have put this off for a couple of reasons, 1. I just do photography for fun, I never did it thinking it would ever be a full time thing or even a regular thing. Just when I have free time. 2. I didn't have Photoshop or a clue how to create a watermark logo for photos. 3. I'm lazy and didn't want to take the time to do anything extra after editing.

Recently, however, I have been told by more and more "professionals" and "hobby" photographers that I really should take the time to create and use a logo simply to protect my work. Although I'm not doing it professionally, I am proud of (most) of my work and I don't want anyone to be dishonest and share it as there own.

So, I've downloaded Photoshop and watched a couple of YouTube tutorials and have come up with a couple of logos. I really like both, one more casual maybe for senior sessions and another more cutsie (is that a word?) for engagements/babies/family sessions. Or maybe I should pick one and stick to it.

What do you think? Two looks too many? (I did use the same font to tie them together) Tell me what you think!

*It will actually be displayed slightly smaller, just wanted to make it big enough you guys can really see it! :)

Let me know what you guys think...and who knows, I may have 4 more options to throw out there by the end of the week! I'm so inconcisive (sp!?)!

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