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In the spirit of the New Year (and seeing Mark Zuckerberg's "Personal Challenges for 2016" plastered all over Facebook) I feel the need to share my own intentions for 2016.
Let me start with saying this, I am doing away with the word "resolution" for myself in 2016. I feel like just that word can cause so much anxiety for so many, so as of now it is banished to the deepest, darkest pit on Pluto. Ok...I feel better now.
So lets get started! In 2016 I plan to live intentionally in all that I do so here are "Kacie's Intentions for 2016"!!
1. Grow in my relationship with Christ and facilitate that opportunity for my kiddos!
In 2016 I want do more studying, praying, reading and seeking than ever before. I feel that these things are so super important for myself but it so beyond crucial that my kids see me doing and living these things every day.
As a single mom to these kiddos that are mine, whether permanently or just for a season, I am the one they spend the most time with and the one that should be a shining example of Gods love, forgiveness and patience. And let me just tell you, if I am not constantly praying and seeking God every single minute of every single day my kids are the first to tell you how quickly I can become frustrated!
So, to be intentional about this I plan to set aside specific times every day for my own personal "Jesus time" and also to set aside time for family Jesus time. I'm also going to encourage my kids to have their own personal time.
2. Simplify my life!
For years I have wanted to live a "simple" life and while I think at times that I am, then I quickly become overwhelmed by all of the "clutter" that is my life.
I know that a lot of the chaos that I experience comes from having four kids in the foster care system. We are to raise them as our own, but don't forget all of the counseling, visits, court, etc. dates that we have to keep in mind and clear our schedules for.
I think this craziness the last almost two years that I have fostered is what has opened my eyes to the need to FINALLY simplify!
I have talked this over with my kids and we have already started a couple little projects to bring some simplicity to our home.
Just this last weekend we literally spent all day emptying the cabinets in our main kitchen, cleaning everything and then returning the kid friendly dishes in an organized fashion. All of our "nicer" things (you know, everything that isn't paper or plastic) got moved to the other kitchen.
Closets have been started on and the majority of our clothes are actually hanging for the first time in months! (Thanks Alisha and Twinsies for helping!) Now that we can actually see everything in our closets we have begun to purge in spurts!
One thing that I am super excited about with school starting back, we are making sure each kid is prepared for school COMPLETELY the night before. No more throwing everything in the backpack last minute or beating on the bathroom door to get my signature literally 45 seconds before the bus will be at the stop. Clothes are picked out for big kids and Bubby the night before. Sippy cups are waiting on the counter to be filled and snack money is on the fridge! (last minute searches for fifty cents has caused my kids to miss the bus on more than one occasion!)
And lastly, when it comes to simplifying, the thing that I am most excited about is creating a "command center" of sorts! With all of our DHS related appointments, plus school and sports activities, plus my work and church activities I always feel like we are either on the go or forgetting something. So, I am in the process of creating a family calendar that we can all contribute to so that we know exactly what is going on all the time! This will also be a place for me to delegate chores and keep up with our "Thankful in 2016" jar!
I, like everyone else, have hundreds of things I need to work on in the new year and I fully plan to improve intentionally in many areas of my life. These two areas are the places that I think need and require the most work, but I feel like when I have these things running smoothly the rest will fall in to place!
So, what are your goals, intentions, plans for 2016? Do you have any tips for helping kiddos learn to enjoy and learn from their personal time with God? Any advice on simplifying?
Thanks in advance and be blessed and a blessing in 2016!
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