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Friday, January 3, 2014

All the Single Ladies...go teach Sunday School.

Ok, so I have started and deleted this post about 15 times but I feel like now is the time for it. Be prepared...this post doubles as a rant.

Ya ready? Ok. So, pardon my French but it TICKS me off beyond belief that every single church in the South has Young Adult "Couples" classes, Bible studies, game nights, etc. etc. etc. Why do you have to be part of a "couple" to be involved in these things? I mean, I need the Bible just as much as the next girl! 

I know, I know. I am overreacting. There are churches out there...somewhere, WAY out there, that includes the singles as well, but not in my neck of the woods. No, here us single girls teach Sunday School.  As if being a "twenty-something" that is still single and childless isn't taboo enough (remember, this is the South I'm talking about here), let's just make those of us who are still these things feel even more separated!

Maybe I am just overly sensitive because, not even kidding, everyone I know has either a. gotten engaged b. gotten married or c. had a baby in the last year. And while these things are pretty typical of "twenty-somethings" I'm honestly not sure I am ready for any of them, so I shouldn't be so emotional/cranky/annoyed about any of this. I'm clearly just having a moment and will be over tomorrow, so my apologies for anyone dealing with my attitude problem tonight! 

But really, where is the nearest Monastery?

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