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Wednesday, January 15, 2014


This morning as I was deleting pictures off of all of my SD cards I ran across some pictures from the fall that I had forgotten about. 
Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year (with Spring a close second). Football and hockey, super fun layered outfits, perfect camping weather and my birthday!! But even better than all of those things, I love the changing leaves! I am always trying to convince a random friend or family member to ride through the mountains with me. The pictures I found were from a day that I convinced my cousin, Alisha, to ride with me to Boxley, Arkansas. 
If you have ever been to Boxley, and why would's kinda in the middle of nowhere, you know it is basically just a road that runs through the that is all. But the amazing thing about Boxley is early in the morning and in the late afternoons dozens of elk will come out of the woods to stroll along the creek banks. They are absolutely beautiful animals and they seem so fearless! I love it! 
So, even though it's a bit late I am posting a few of my favorites, in memory of Fall 2013! Enjoy! 

Roxy was fascinated by the elk!

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