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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's Go Time!!

So, with 205 days and 17 hours until I set sail for Mexico and my 24th Birthday, I have decided it is really time to buckle down and make this healthy living thing a bigger part of my life. I started back to the gym in early December, and I've lost a little weight, but I'll just be completely honest. I am large and in charge. A little weight is good, but I need to lose A LOT of weight. I always have been bigger and quite frankly, I'm over it.

I've got the working out down, but the whole prepping meals and eating regularly has been difficult. I'm on the road a lot for work so eating breakfast and then eating every 3ish hours has been hard. BUT tonight I FINALLY sat down and planned out my meal plan for the entire next week AND I went grocery shopping! The hard part is done!!

So, now that that is all out in the open, this will be my place to be held accountable! I can do this!!

Ya see! I bought groceries!!!
My new favorite thing! Kale chips! Yummo!


  1. Kale chips are delicious, aren't they! I put kale in just about everything these days - even my smoothies! :)

    1. This was my first time to try kale so I'm excited to experiment! I'll have to try kale in my smoothie in the morning!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can completely relate! Exercise is no problem, but planning ahead and eating right is my downfall. I think I'm about to start Whole30, though, so I can have your back if you have mine!

    1. It is so hard! I've so got you! I need all the help I can get! I've been doing Paleo for almost a week and it's actually been much easier than expected it to be!
