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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

its kinda cold.

I feel like the movie Frozen threw up all over Arkansas over the last week. Thank God it has slowly...and I mean VERY slowly melted away, but for a few days it was absolutely miserable around here. I was without electricity for three days. THREE DAYS! I mean, I'm pretty good at roughing it, but three days in below freezing weather was intense. We had an abundance of ice (the pictures here are after the ice had been melting away for a few days) so leaving the house was virtually impossible. After weather reports that we could possibly get up to 10 inches of snow yesterday into this morning, we woke up with no snow but rather a beautiful glimpse at the sun. I hadn't seen it in so long I might have done a happy dance!

One very positive thing about being stuck inside (on the days that I did have electricity) is that I was able to officially plan my 24th birthday cruise! This year I will be spending my birthday in Mexico!! I absolutely cannot wait...and thoughts of the warm beach makes these horribly cold days a little more tolerable! (Let me go ahead and start the count down...206 days and 16 hours until sailing!)

I'm puppy sitting for a friend right now so my sweet Maylie had a cuddle buddy!

After we could get out and about I had to go visit my grandparents. Their home is absolutely beautiful in the snow!


  1. I'm totally with you! Is it summer yet? The hubs and I talk constantly about escaping to the beach - but that's not in the budget right now. Completely jealous!

  2. Right!? I am so looking forward to this weekends weather! And don't be jealous, the only reason we are going to Mexico is because we found a super cheap $189 for 5 days! (It ended up being $256 after tax/port fees but still much cheaper than the typical vaca!)
